
Great Depression Thesis

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what it would be like during the Great Depression? We could imagine that it was no walk in the park. In fact, it was a battle every day to find work, pay for bills, and provide the necessities for the family. The Great Depression gives us a look into the past of the hardship and dedication that the American people had in times of a crisis. The Great Depression affected people across the nation, everyday people were losing hope and falling deeper and deeper into a state of depression. People who lived during the Great Depression were greatly affected by it, when the Great Depression started many people had to give up precious and valuable things just so that they could afford the necessities that they needed (“The New …show more content…

He would also pass a bill that would employ more than 8.5 million people to build everyday necessities. This program was known as the Works Progress Program (WPA) (“The New Deal”). In time the effects on the people were so great that before FDR was elected president, people would not purchase the necessities that they needed, instead they would sell any little thing they could. Since no one had steady work they could not afford much. With no steady income families across the world had to give up many different goods like milk, ice, receiving the paper, only using one light in the house, and selling their cars because they could not afford to drive it (Hastings). Many people would take whatever work they could get, some jobs they would create just so they could provide for their families. Most of the jobs included selling iron cords, door to door, worked a day in the hay, etc. (Hastings). Although these jobs would not pat a good amount it was somewhat a paying job. Throughout the Great Depression jobs started decreasing greatly in the Great Depression, many businesses and managers would say to people looking for a job “Firing no Hiring”. In the middle of the Great Depression was so bad that people would not go and buy the necessities that they needed in result businesses would suffer greatly. Since they weren’t getting customers they would send back any merchandise that was not being sold, they would oftentimes panic. They would hold off on expansion and construction, they would often shut down because of the decrease in purchases (Hayes). Most Americans at the time were buying things off of credit so they were in debt already. They did not own any stocks so most would not be affected right away. Most businesses relied on customers, when people started to cut down on buying

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