Premier Alison Redford states that the Great Flood of 2013 “changed the province forever.” In 2013, a devastating flood struck Alberta, causing severe damage. A slow-moving weather system dumped 80-100 millimetres rain on northern Alberta, according to Alberta Environment (Timeline: How the great flood of 2013 evolved, Calgary Herald, June 24, 2013). About 30 kilometres of highway flooded due to mudslides. Over twelve communities issued a state of emergency. I have lived through horrible experiences in my life, but I think that the Great Flood of 2013 was the worst I have ever faced. It was midnight, and I couldn’t sleep. Rain poured down heavily as I tried to sleep. I closed the windows and put the pillow on my head but nothing worked. I
The Buffalo Creek flood of West Virginia is believed to be the most devastating coal relate disaster in West Virginia history. The flood occurred in the Buffalo Creek area of Logan County on February 26, 1972 when three dams broke and released 132 million gallons of water and coal waste known by miners as “gob,” and is a thick sludge-like material. The gob contains many toxic chemicals and pollutants such as mercury and arsenic that are left behind from the coal mining process. The wastewater would lie in settling ponds and dams until it could be properly disposed of. The water that was left over from processing coal would be disposed of in two different ways. Some of the water would be pumped from the dam back to the “tipple”, otherwise
Follow FEMA's advice and do not be afraid to hang up on cold callers purporting to be insurance agents, government officials, or charitable organization.
It was one fairly sunny day in Houston Texas It started to get windy then it started to rain. All of a sudden it started to storm hard then the wind got stronger all of a sudden it started pouring people that were watching the news had alarms going off. And then the storm sirens started to go then the people of houston knew they were in trouble now people and families were scared the storm was horrible the people of houston knew it was a hurricane. The storm lasted around five hours.
Did you know that a hurricane can last up to three weeks? It is vital to be prepared for those three weeks. One of the deadliest hurricanes ever was known as the 1900 Galveston Hurricane, also known as the Great Storm of 1900. The hurricane devastated the foundations of buildings and home. The hurricane caused between 6000 to 1200 casualties. In order to survive these natural disasters, you must stay ahead and be composed for the storm. There are a variety of procedures the nation and individuals can use to prepare for a hurricane. Additionally, hurricanes disastrous effects on urban areas and the effect.
After Hurricane Harvey ravaged the coast of Texas, a countless number of families found themselves with nothing; their homes, which once housed cherished memories and treasured possessions, were left in ruins. Though my family and I were fortunate to have remained unaffected by the hurricane, many others in our city could not say the same. By the third day, the rapidly-intensifying storm had already devastated several neighborhoods.
The great hurricane of 1938 was one of the most destructive hurricanes to reach New England with winds over 100 mph. Human error, weather conditions led to the mass destruction and devastation caused by this hurricane.
In some parts of Alberta, the water levels are rising and aren't decreasing due to the polar ice caps melting. When these ice caps melt, there is excess water which has been transferred to a liquid state, which can cause water levels to rise. This can cause floods in certain areas of Alberta. This will result in people losing their homes, which will cause the people to migrate to different parts of this province, or even possibly moving to other provinces. Ecosystems are also affected since the animals that live there will also have to migrate due to the loss of their
Hurricanes leave a lot of damage to the states they hit. It also can kill people and leave people injured, my topic is Hurricane Sandy and this affected a lot of people.
The beautiful coastline of Galveston has such a peaceful presents unlike any other. It's hard to believe that this serene place was once the epicenter of one of america's most devastating natural disasters. To this day it is so infamous it needs no name only a title, The Great Storm.
As described in the Vancouver Sun article the flood was triggered by a unusual warm temperature and a storm dropping in total 148mm of rainfall in all of Chilliwack vicinity and 85mm specifically in Hope. Climate was considerably warmer melting the snow, which was carried away by the rain from the rock-covered hill above the highway. It is know that the warmer your temperature in your location the grater rate of weathering will occur, which is exactly what happened in Hope. It was described by Pete Teilmann that it was a wet and muddy day January 9th 2002, with a abnormally high temperature than a regular day in January.
In 1993, the Midwest experienced the worst flood in American history affecting ten states in the Upper Mississippi River basin. The flooding lasted from late spring to fall, killing fifty-two people and damaging a 100,000 homes and businesses. The cause of the flooding was a heavy winter with lots of snow and a spring season full of rain, which saturated the soil. Instead, of a hot summer, the rain kept coming and the Upper Mississippi River Basin received three and a half times its normal rain. Since it continuously rained, the water levels kept rising and many of the levees broke. The water levels stayed high for weeks destroying towns and agriculture all throughout the Midwest.
It was a Monday afternoon in Colorado. Although the cloudy skies promised some rainfall, I decided to hop on my bike and attend my night math class anyways-- little did I know that Colorado will experience the heaviest rainfall and one of the largest floods in its history. However before I was halfway in my route, the rain started to fall harder. Soon the sidewalks became flooded, so I joined the cars on the main road. Much to my disappointment, my bike started to wobble beneath my body as it gave into the currents’ much stronger force. I finally managed to pull to the side, but I was already wet from top to bottom. And as I stood there in the harsh rain, I asked myself, “Is this really worth it? What have you got to lose?” Although there was
The outcome of the trainer who is trained through role-play gaming simulation is superior than the trainer who was trained by traditional lecture method for the knowledge of flood protection measure, flood mitigation measure, flood evacuation scheme, the way to deal with the stakeholder, important factor of community-based flood management and resident’s point of view. Their test scores were also elevated in six categories. Apparently, there were two categories which had significant improvement while the other team did not reach that level. (see figure 4)
Imagine you woke up one day and eat your breakfast and you went outside for your morning walk and you look down and found a body lying in a stream on the sidewalk well that's what happened in the spring of missouri in 1993 a huge storm caused the missouri river to overflow in 1993 it was unearthing 600 coffins the rain fell in 1993 no one could have imagined the devastation it would bring the flooding didn´t end the fall and by than 500 counties in nine midwestern states had been hit hard flood waters covered more than 20 million acres of land fifty people had died, 55,000 homes were damaged or destroyed all told, the great flood of 1993 was one of the worst natural disasters in American history and caused
The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether or not the material that a flood is going through effects the rate and the size of the damage left behind. The independent variable in this experiment is the material that the water is going through, where as the dependent variable is the rate it takes for the water to flood through. Some controlled variables in the experiment are the amount of water used to simulate the flooding, the amount of material the water is going through, and the temperature of the water. If the water goes through rocks/gravel, then it will be quicker with less damage because there is more space for the water to go through without dragging anything out.