
Great Gatsby Chapter 16 Summary

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Chapter 16: It’s All About Sex...
Main Idea: In a large part, thanks to Freud, a lot of things can be interpreted as being sexual in nature, and this is definitely true in literature. Even before Freud, sexual symbolism has run rampant in literature since its existence. For instance, in Chivalric Romance, the Knight with his Lance and the Holy Grail are all connected to the idea of sexuality. Foster explores the range of scenes that can be created to symbolize sex, without it actually being sex. In literature a lot of times, sexual acts are actually disguised as something different entirely or at least not explicitly shown.
Literary Example: Great Gatsby
Analysis: At the very end of Chapter Two, after partying hard with Tom and Daisy, Nick's riding the elevator with McKee who's inviting him to come to lunch one day... and then there's a very suggestive ellipses, and suddenly Nick is standing next to this guy in bed: “I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands.” Earlier he describes McKee as a feminine figure, and when you read into the scene, there appears to be much more there.
Chapter 17: ...Except Sex
Main Idea: Continuing on top of the last chapter and adding a twist, Foster tells us that actually when a work of literature does involve an explicit sex scene, the event almost certainly contains layers of meaning that go beyond the act of sex itself. The action of writing explicit sex

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