
Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal

Decent Essays

1. Augmented- "becoming larger in size or value." ...."and my small earnings from the flocked were only a little augmented by my mornings' work at the rectory and occasional service at the Hall, when they needed extra hands. 2. Vexation- "being annoyed, frustrated, or worried." "I felt my face flush, and my vexation at blushing just made my cheeks and throat burn all the hotter." 3. Ague- "fever or shivering fit." "All this day I have felt a grudging of ague, and now it rises and my head pounds, and I do feel a most dreadful ache probing at my bones." 4. Loamy- "soil composed of a mixture of sand, clay, slit, and organic matter. "Our village has a fair prospect, and that morn the air was rich with summer's loamy fragrance." 5. Clough- "a …show more content…

Pewter- "malleable metal alloy." "Grayish bluish color." "The sky was pewter that afternoon." 7. Philters- "potion used to make someone fall in love." Aphra harbored a wealth of superstitions in her simple mind and was ever ready to believe in sky-signs or charms or philters."l 8 Putrid.- "very unpleasant" "It is a putrid fever merely, and if he parents follow my instructions, he will live." 9. Tallow-"is a rendered form of beef or mutton fat, processed from suet. It is solid at room temperature. Unlike suet, tallow can be stored for extended periods" "When I have a tallow stub, I read it until it gutters." 10. Insolent-"showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect." "How dare you smirk at me, you insolent slattern!" 11. Contagion-"the communication of disease from one person to another by close …show more content…

I do not blame the Bradfords for leaving at all. The Bradford family was clearly "above" everyone else in town in their station, and could do whatever they felt like they wanted to do . If a plague like this broke out today, where there was no cure, I would be hard-pressed to stay in my own home and not try everything I could to keep my family safe. 5. I don't really think that he could have persuaded the whole town to quarantine if his basis was self-loathing. Because the fact that he got the ex-minister to help him convince the people that it was the right way to go. I do think he was acting in everyone's best interests, it was the grave-digging and bedside sitting and not stopping for rest that was his self-loathing taking over. 6. The men in the novel, other than Michael and young Brand, really came across as undesirable. We heard how they worked, drank, and got their wives pregnant, and that was about it. However, I think that a lot of that strength that the women had was realistic, because they got their strength from the things that they went through. However, if I was in that time and place, I would not be able to marry any of those men because of all their bad qualities. Anna becomes so strong and independent when she realizes that men come and go, but her strength is what will last a life

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