
Greed In The Great Gatsby

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Life proves to be an elipses, constantly revolving through periods of excessive success and luck before dropping into periods of depression and chaos. This is extremely evident during the 1920’s when the roaring twenties became the great depression in less than a couple of years. The luxuriously blinded people of the twenties, aided in the demise of the United States during the roughest time period in American history. As a nation, the people were hiding from the cold reality by throughing extravegent parties while the stock markets brought in continuous sucess, not realizing that what goes up must always come down. This is prominent in the book “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a man whose own life rose and fell as quickly as the …show more content…

(Fitzgerald 50). He is drunk, and this could be seen as symbolism that we are possibly so drunk on the thrill of judgement that we fail to realize the true depth of a person. We make our judgements on what we see on the surface and this often times proves false. Much like the people of the roaring twenties, they chose to only skim the surface of what was happening within our nation instead of dealing with the increased problem of corruption and greed that was swooping across America. This time period was seen as the idealistic time for the American Dream, people all across the nation were stricking it rich, but if people broke the surface of these lives they would see the often times criminal or depressive states of minds that these successful people …show more content…

In simple words he is creating an analogue between the death of Gatsby and the death of the American dream. America is so blinded and has remained oblivious for so long, that no matter the effort in correcting their errors, a great downfall is inevitable. This all eludes to the idea that Gatsby himself, was the American Dream, and with the death of him, the nation was left to crumble. The East was haunted for Nick after the passing of his highly optomistic and hopeful friend, just as America became haunting to Fitzgerald as he and millions aroud him obliviously partied the American economy into the

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