
Greek Ideologies: Spartan Militarism, Athenian Democracy, And Macedonian Conquest

Decent Essays

Greek Ideologies have influenced the developments of Greek people and their region and how they lived and interacted with one another. Three examples of Greek ideologies are Spartan militarism, Athenian democracy, and Macedonian Conquest. These ideologies demonstrated a Greek Polis and how they interacted with other polis or poleis. Spartan militarism was one of the Greek ideologies. Agoge, a military training program designed to increase physical strength, military prowess, and obedience to Sparta played a huge factor in Spartan militarism. When Spartan boys were born, they would have to have no physical defects, or, they would be thrown off a cliff. As they grow up to age twelve to eighteen, Spartans started serious and intense training for war and to become a soldier. They would have limited rights and receive harsh treatments.. As they grow older, they would start teaching other Spartan boys, and when other Spartan boys were ready, they would become a soldier. As Sparta started to become a strong polis, it conquered Messenia and enslaved the Helots, or Messenians. Even though the Helots outnumbered the Spartans by a ratio of 7:1, the Helots …show more content…

Direct Democracy in Athens was when a large number of Athen citizens took an active part in voting for issues. On Athenian Assembly days, there were 6,000 citizens present to decide important decisions. Most of the decisions they decided were about laws or deciding who was going to be the juries. To be an Athenian citizen, he/she had to be at least thirty years old . However, if an Athenian thought the jury started to become selfish and started gain too much power, then the Athenian was allowed to vote to ostracize a different citizen to be the jury. If the person was confirmed of being selfish and trying to gain power, they were kicked out of the city for about ten years. This is how Direct Democracy in Athens was one of the Greek

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