
Greek Influence On Modern Education

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Greek Education Greek education is important toward the western world, and the greeks have came up with many facts that we know today. Greek education has influenced the western world with facts they figured out and passed on to the 21st century. They came up with most mathematical concepts we learn today, especially Pythagoreans. Finally, girls education was very different from boys education and the boys had much more freedom to learn many more concepts. Greek education has influenced modern civilization while some aspects of education have changed such as mathematical concepts, and schooling of boys and girls. Greeks contributions toward education has influenced us today. This is important to understand because it has helped us figure out more today for the next generations. I already knew that the greeks had lots of questions about life, and that if the greeks didn’t exist, we would know a lot less. They wanted to understand natural causes and human existence, so greek thinkers would use human reasoning and knowledge from earlier civilizations. This has influenced us because we do the same strategies as the greeks did. Even though they had figured out many facts we know today, many conclusions were wrong and had to be fixed. Aristotle had wrong conclusions and assumptions such as arteries and veins are the same. They also thought that evil spirits and angry gods were the cause of illness. This has influenced the way we compare their knowledge and

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