
Greek Primary Sources

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It is important to note that primary and secondary sources have differing levels of reliability. Primary sources originate from the times of the ancient Greek people, whilst secondary sources have emerged in more modern times. Primary sources show variation in myths, which is due to several factors; myths were never written down and were only orally presented thus pieces may be left out or altered when they weren’t remembered, also the variation is in part due to the fact that people who told the tales often exaggerated to make their version of the story more interesting, and finally the nature of the Greek religion meant that there was no one correct version of the myths and hence contributes significantly to the variation seen. Another issue for primary sources is that fact that they were not traditionally written in English, thus there may be minor errors in translation. However, these factors are not significant enough to drastically reduce the reliability of these sources, especially when compared to secondary sources. Secondary sources are …show more content…

These primary sources were found through the use of “Theoi” a website which allows online access to these sources in their true unaltered forms. The secondary sources which I did use were all texts written by people educated in Greek mythology, and any facts from these were validated through use of the primary sources. Although, I did use an online blog for research as part of the Satyrs aspect, which may not be the most reliable. I used this website in order to gain a better general understanding of satyrs relationship with theatre in ancient Greek society. Howbeit, I took the fact that this information may not have been true into account So to further validate it myself I looked into the primary sources they used to garner their information from and was hence able to draw the necessary

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