
Greek Theater Architecture

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To honor their gods the ancient Greeks created wonders that forced them to make advanced technology structures. The theater architectural designs of the ancient Greeks have been adapted and modified throughout the years by numerous other cultures. There are three main structural elements that complete a Greek theater; those include the theatron, the orchestra, and the skene .One of these was the Epidaurus theatre built to honor the God Dionayrs . It is considered to be the greatest theatre in Western World. It is approximately 100 miles from Athens , located in the hills of Epidaurus . It seats 14,000 people, with 55 rows of stones built into the hillside. It this largest of all the surviving ancient theatres. Originally, the theatre had 34 rows. However, another 21 rows were added at the top 2 centuries later. The seating part of this theatre is also known was aslo known as the gazing place. An element present within all ancient Greek theaters, was the development and mastering of acoustical technology in the theater amphitheaters. Acoustics, or to be exact, architectural acoustics, is s scientific understanding of how to achieve a quality sound within a building. “The design of Greek and Roman amphitheaters attests to the acoustical insights of builders and scientists of ancient times.” (Encyclopedia Americana Vol. 1 1991; P. 111) People sitting farthest from the stage—about 70 meters—can hear actors without any amplification. The steps acted as “acoustic traps,” cutting

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