
Greek Wine History

Decent Essays

Wine continues to be a staple in society, displayed in its prominent impact on culture and religion. It has paved the way for growth in both politics and philosophy; its involvement in trade allowed the spread of Greek ideas to reach many civilizations. Wine’s effect throughout human history is undeniable as it connected people from all over the world through trade and commerce. While it's true origins are lost and only recorded in “myth and legend”, it is believed that its first production was in the Neolithic period, between 9000 and 4000 BC (Standage 47). Wild grape vine, cereal crops, and the invention of pottery lead to wine production in areas of modern day Armenia and northern Iran. Reddish residue found inside a jar from a Neolithic village in the Zagros Mountains is the earliest physical evidence for wine (47). Wine’s possible origin in this region is mirrored in the story of Noah. …show more content…

From its historical birthplace, it continued to spread to the west (Greece) and south through the Levant. One of Egypt’s early ruler, King Scorpion was buried with seven hundred jars of wine displaying the significance of wine in early Egyptian culture. It was transported at great expense, signifying the rapid growth of wine production. The Pharaohs established their own vineyards in the Nile Delta and the beginning of limited domestic production was starting to kickoff, but in Mesopotamia, wine consumption remained only to the elite. Wine was not listed in ration tables for lower class members. The masses in both Egypt and eastern Mediterranean areas were still drinking beer, which made “access to wine a mark of status” (48). Wine became a symbol of status. As it began to gain popularity throughout the Near East and the eastern Mediterranean, wine was viewed as both a social and religion drink (49). Wine production increased and it became associated with other desirable offerings such as gold, silver,

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