
Green Energy is a Substitute Energy Source

Better Essays

“Green” (or alternative) energy is a substitute energy source for fossil fuels. Alternative energy is interchangeable with Renewable energy since the sources that are generated are natural and cannot be exhausted, all of which have minimal environmental impact. Alternative energy sources include solar power, which is acquired from the sun; wind power; water energy, which produces hydroelectricity; and biomass energy, which comes from plants. Due to these sources being free and causing no harm to the environment, they are increasingly being used around the world. The energy sector has been growing, as governments are adapting environmental policies to reduce pollution and welcoming alternative energy sources.
Alternative energy has many economic, environmental and social benefits. Economically, alternative energy satisfies the continuous and ever-growing demand and cost of energy. As the world populates and new discoveries are made on a daily basis, energy sources are not only being exhausted, they are also harming the environment, and thus people. Due to the high demand for energy and not so high supply, prices are rising day by day. Alternative energies are the solution to this problem, as their cost ranges from nothing to low. Environmentally, switching from fuels to alternative energy saves our world from impacts such as pollution, global warming and deforestation. Socially, our growing dependence on petroleum from around the world can be risky, as supply

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