
Greenpeace, Earth First, And Animal Liberation Front

Decent Essays

The environmental movement has been growing, there are many Environmental Organizations that are trying to do that right thing and take care of our Earth. Greenpeace, Earth First, and Earth Liberation Front/Animal Liberation Front are three of these organizations. This movement would be nowhere without Rachel Carson, her book Silent Spring, has been given recognition to starting the environmental movement. There are both “liberal” and more “conservative” groups in this movement, but without that balance it could be difficult getting much done. Each of the groups have a different way of approaching the problem of environmental injustice. The first group is Greenpeace. Greenpeace is a global environmental organization. Greenpeace is best known …show more content…

Earth First doesn’t have any formal leadership, but they do have people who will do anything to preserve the wilderness that is being destroyed. They are ok with civil disobiedance to get the message across (Environmental Orginazations notes). For example, Julia Butterfly sat in a tree for more than 14 months to help protest all of the trees that were being cut down in the redwood forest (Julia Butterfly video). The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation Front (ALF) are sister environmental organizations. This organization doesn’t have leadership or members, people just commit acts and then can say they did it under the ELF or ALF name (Environmental Organization Notes). They are environmental extremists. They are the FBI’s biggest domestic terrorist threat because of the damage and fear they have caused, over 1000 crimes and over 100 million in damages (Burning Rage About ALF and ELF) They don’t believe in hurting any living being, their crimes are not meant to harm anybody, just to send a …show more content…

Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring was the start of the environmental movement. She was the whistleblower on DDT in the 1960s. DDT was a harmful chemical that was being used as a pesticide and to try to cure and prevent Polio. She believed that we needed to better control the chemicals that we were using and she warned about sciences ability to alter nature, which she was able to prevent in some ways (Silent Spring Video). There are many levels to the environmental movement. Some organizations, like ALF and ELF are very radical, while others like The Sierra Club are a bit more conservative (Environmental Organization notes). Having this ying/yang gives people who want to get involved with helping out a lot of different options. In conclusion, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring set up the structure of the environmental movement. There are so many different groups and organizations in the environmental movement, this variety is good, whether they are conservative or liberal, they are fighting for the same thing, to stop environmental injustices of some

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