
Gregory Company Case Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Discussion #3

Question #1 Answer:

My thoughts on this case are that the supplier is trying to bribe Jim so that they will sell 20% of his supplies from Avery, so, Jim will get a free vacation for him and his family and that this scenario is unethical. I also think that even thought not giving an employee is illegal, it is still not right, especially when Jim is the top performing purchasing agent for Hooks Incorporated. Also, with Avery Company bribing Jim with a free vacation not only is unethical, but in most companies is against company policy. Another thing is that now Avery Company is getting into Jim’s personal life, which should be separate from work, especially with a supplier. Therefore, my thoughts on this case are that the supplier is trying to bribe Jim so that they will sell 20% of supplies to him from Avery Company and that is unethical.

Question #2 Answer

This decision made by the manager to not fix a $1500 mistake made by the bank in Parry Company’s favor is unethical in my opinion as it will mess up more than one company’s records. Any manager of a company would want their records and bookkeeping to be as …show more content…

A code of conduct lists the way the organization’s employees are supposed to behave and treat others along with what is right and wrong. Once they sign the paper stating the code of conduct and that by signing they agree to follow it, they know that if they choose not to than they can get written up and/or fired depending on what happened. This way they know that the organization is watching it’s employees with the way they behave and the consequences if they do not choose to behave ethically. Therefore, for the above reasons I believe that having a written code of conduct will reduce fraud and other dishonest acts in an

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