
Grendel's Self-Image Changes In Beowulf

Decent Essays

In the story of Grendel, Grendel’s self-image changes throughout the course of the book as he encounters several characters who have an impact on his life. Throughout the book, Grendel meets The Dragon, Beowulf, and The Shaper who have an effect upon his personality.
For starters, The Dragon becomes a mentor throughout the book for Grendel as he plans his raid on Hrothgar’s meadhall. As you can see, Grendel begins to realize The Dragon has a point, “‘Now you know how they feel when they see you.’ He had a point. From now on I’d stay clear of them,” (Gardner 60). Grendel then is given the advice from The Dragon to seek out gold and to guard it, which he tries to do. Grendel’s self-image changes when he is given a charm placed on him by The Dragon. For instance, he says, “i discovered that the dragon had put a charm on me… my heart became darker because of this,” (Gardner 76). This comes to show that Grendel now is powerful because of the charm, and this has caused him to be able to walk into the meadhall whenever and begin killing every once in awhile as he pleased; however the dragon, being his mentor, influenced him to have no intention of terrifying Hrothgar. …show more content…

His self-image changes and it is witnessed when Grendel says, “I grew more and more afraid of him… more and more eager for the hour of our meeting,” (Gardner 165). Grendel knew better than to raid when it was the season of winter. However, Beowulf has an effect on Grendel making his hungry for men to kill when he normally would’ve stayed in during this time. For instance, he says, “I do not usually raid in the winter, when the world is a corpse. I would be wise to be curled up, asleep,” (Gardner 137). Grendel is wise to know it isn’t safe to raid the hall, but Beowulf affects his self-image by making him eager to

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