
Growing Pessimism Of Silver Dbq

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From 1500 to 1750 silver production in South America and Japan were at an all time high. Due to this new flow of silver economies began to change in response: economies began to become dependent on silver, and inflation and deflation have been more prevalent in regional economies. Socially the effect of the increase flow of silver has harbored a growing pessimism of silver, specifically, the excess use of silver and production of silver itself.

Document 4,5,7 and 8 demonstrates that the increase flow in silver has caused economies to become more dependent of silver. Ralph Fitch in document 4 writes that “The Portuguese use this Japanese silver to their great advantage in China.” with mentions that annually the Portuguese bring 600,000 coins …show more content…

Ralph Fitch being a British merchant at the time (1599) was trying to convince his nation’s to get into the silver trade due to the vast amount of wealth he has seen in the Portuguese model of trade. In document 5 it talks more about the Chinese economy saying how that now because of the changes of the global flow of silver now China has transitioned into a more currency (silver) market system. Now transactions within the economies are solely silver dependent, they are more official. Document 7 and 8 share the same story as document 4. Document 7 is telling the same tale of European trade in where the Spanish in this case bring nothing but silver into southeast Asia in order to bring goods back to their homelands. It is easy to tell from this writing that without silver, trade would be non-existent to the Spanish, thus making the Spaniard dependent on silver. Document 8 is also similar in where it say Europe “sends Asia gold and silver” in exchange for “materials to supply luxury” showing again that the trade economies of Europe are dependent on the possession of precious metal, specifically silver. Charles D’ Avenat, an English …show more content…

Document 1 basically is commending the poor man for being frugal and respectful of the value of money while condemning the rich for being reckless, wasteful, and disrespectful to the value of money in respects of wedding expenses. Obviously the reason why Ye Chunji (1570s) has written this document is to solidify his reasons to issue an order to limit wedding expenses. He also has written this order and document to uphold the Chinese government’s policy of restricting the movement of silver in the free markets. Document 6 exhibits pessimism of silver production when the author Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa, a Spanish priest, shows empathy to the “Indian” miners, forced to mine silver in very harsh and inhumane conditions, when he says “poor fellows”. Antonio wrote this document in this context because he was a man of God and cringes figuratively when he sees or hears of human suffering. A document from an “Indian” would be helpful in determining the general social consensus of the Native American population about how they felt about the new silver exchange and about mining

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