
Growing Up In The Army: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

“Now who is this Tiffany and why haven’t you ever mentioned her to your mom or me?” he asked carefully not knowing how I could be like without even knowing for real.

“I don’t know,” I said finding interest in my feet the way Anna did when she confessed, “I guess I was afraid to and I let it go for so long.”

“How long?” he asked curiously.

“All of last year, a little this summer up until now.” I said feeling more guilty as I added the time up in my head.

“Have you at least discussed this sometimes with Anna?” he asked.

“Yeah and she always tells me to stand up but I could never have the courage to do so.”

“Well what I’ve learned from being in the military, is that courage is a big part of being a soldier and a general.” he said.

“Ok. …show more content…

“Just that I’m sorry for blowing up at you and that I hope you’ll forgive me.”

“Well, you’re too little too late. I’ve already connected myself to Tiffany and I don’t intend on letting it go.” she said. As she said, Tiffany, connected, and not letting go, I felt myself falling farther apart from her each word she added to the most horrid sentence I’ve ever heard her say.

“Well, I’m sorry you feel that way.” I said on the verge of breaking.

“Oh, Cleo!” Anna finally said after a pause. “I would never betray you like that and I know why you get upset. Do you really think that I could give up on you after what 7 years! I would never.” I never thought I would be so worried in my life.

I almost lost my best friend that anyone could have, I stupidly ignored my dad when he came home from overseas and didn’t bother to greet him, and worst of all, I let someone just as equal and no more than a ninth grader like me get on my nerves. Sometimes you make mistakes, but it’s never too late to apologize and ask for forgiveness. It’s also never too late to stand up and keep your ground when someone could ever think that they are better than

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