
Growth in International Trade Markets

Decent Essays

Developed nations trumpet the claim that the answer to developing nations’ international trade issues is untrammeled or open market activity as opposed to government intervention by developed nations’ governments. This begs the question as to what extent the governments of developed nations are or should be responsible for supporting developing countries’ growth in international trading markets. Often the protectionist actions of developed nations’ governments to enhance their own international trading activities are the very hindrances faced by the developing countries, so much so that the developed nations are morally obligated to support the developing countries to offset the roadblocks created by these same developed countries with tariffs, quotas and other trade barriers.
Trade Problems of Developing Nations
Developing nations’ trade efforts are largely hampered by their reliance on primary products for export, such agricultural goods, raw materials, and fuels (Carbaugh, 2011). The few manufactured goods exported by developing nations are generally limited to labor intensive products, such as textiles and clothing, with little technology-driven production. In order to develop international trade, developing nations often must displace the lowest rung of goods and workers in the developed nations, who in turn seek import trade protection from their own governments. This becomes the issue of developed nations “helping their own poor versus helping the world’s poor”

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