
Guanajuato México

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There is a gruesome history that bites and holds onto Guanajuato, México. This does not mean that Guanajuato is not the magnific and almost magical place it truly is. There are things from baby mummies to kissing halls that fill up the streets and history of Guanajuato, Méxco. Guanajuato deals a lot with the independence movement of México and also has tons of uncommon people and nourishment that keeps the city kicking . Guanajuato is greatly admired and visited by many every year all because of the amazing things that keep it alive. One of the most recent things that have happen to Guanajuato would be when the United states invaded and started the Mexican-American War. Gabriel Valencia led small Guanajuato army to go against the United States …show more content…

The museo de las momias is an astonishing place full of exciting mummies because of the extreme cold and dry weather the mummies were naturally mummified. From 1865-1958 the people of Guanajuato had to pay a grave tax that if they could not pay and then they died they would not receive their own grave, they would be buried in a large grave with up to hundreds of other people. The mummies were formed naturally and have a very nasty and gruesome look to them with twisted faces and missing arms. There are mummies there that are just babies to mummies that are pregnant. The frightening thing about these events is that it is still unknown on how the soil and minerals produced natural mummies, and “a common belief is that mummification is divine punishment for acts committed while alive.” (Atlas …show more content…

Just after the silver was found Guanajuato became the lead producer with the La Valenciana mine. This mine brought great wealth to all the people here and they built huge houses and beautiful churches. The miners that worked here were some of the wealthiest people is Guanajuato. But after the Mexican Revolution the mine was shut down, and all the money that was produced with it went down with the mine. Half of the mine was reopened in 1968 and it yielded silver, nickel, gold, and lead. The other half was left closed off to the miners but open to the public to go down and see the wealth of the

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