
Guglielmo Marconi's Influence On The Modern World

Satisfactory Essays

Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and is given credit for wireless communications or what we call radio today. The radio is a modern marvel because it has provided the ability to communicate over long distances effectively and over a very large distance, there are a few claims of people inventing the radio before Marconi and models where built before his first working product. Unlike todays radios Guglielmo Marconi’s early radio only transmitted signals and not voice like radios today, radio has come a long way since its beginning and has helped humanity in many ways. (ND) the history of radio. Gugllielmo Marconi was born in Bologna, Italy in 1874, he was born into a wealthy family and he had a good education as he attended the university there. (ND) Guglielmo Marconi. Marconi was interested in science and especially …show more content…

The invention of radar uses radio waves to detect distances and helps us save lives by forecasting the weather. The time it takes information to spread has dropped dramatically and the price to send information is reduced as well due to the fact that cables do not need to be put down prior to use. There are however some negative effects of the radio. Some people do not like the look of towers that broadcast the radio signals and there have been studies on the effect of radio waves on the human body and some link it to cancer. Rogers (2012) Health Effects from Cell Phone Tower Radiation. the radio has had a large impact on people in our society a large audience all over the world at a single time. Politics use it as propaganda and is shaped a generation of music. Radios effectiveness was proven in 1938 when a Halloween story of War of the Worlds was broadcasted and caused a mass panic. Lule (ND) Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication,

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