
Guilt And Redemption In The Kite Runner

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In the literary novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, the kite is a driving force throughout the novel. The kite is an important symbol seen throughout the novel, hence the name of the novel, and is a driving force in the events which occur in the novel. The kite represents guilt and redemption, where it is seen at the beginning, and at the end of the novel. Many of the characters in the novel are brought together by the kite, and are able to make connections with one another. Challenges presented throughout the novel are able to be resolved with the help of the kite, and in doing so, bring the characters together. Overall, the kite has a positive impact in shaping the relationships between Amir and the other main characters. Guilt and …show more content…

Kite fighting is an important sport in Afghanistan, and characters have been able to find common ground by fighting kites. “Kites were the one paper-thin slice of intersection between [Amir and Baba’s] spheres” (63). When Baba tells Amir to think of better days on the trip to Pakistan in the oil tanker, Amir immediately thinks back to kite fighting with Hassan. “A breeze stirs the grass and Hassan lets the spool roll” (157). This shows the strong connection Amir has formed with Hassan through kite fighting. When Amir and Hassan finally win a kite flying tournament for the first time, Baba acknowledges Amir, and when he saw Baba proud of him, it was “the single greatest moment of my twelve year old life” (86). At the end of the novel, the first time Sohrab smiles after his attempt to commit suicide is when Amir cuts down another kite, and runs the kite for Sohrab (475). This shows the cyclical nature of the kite in the novel, as in the beginning of the novel, Hassan was running the kites for Amir, but at the end of the novel, it is Amir who runs the kites for Hassan’s son, Sohrab (476). Amir is drawn closer to the other characters in the novel by the kite, as kite fighting is a common interest between many of the

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