
Gun Control And Control Of Gun Rights In South Korea

Decent Essays

In 2015, The US Supreme Court rejected a challenge by gun rights activists to an ordinance enacted by a Chicago suburb that bans assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. The refusal by the nine justices to hear the case, coming at a time of fierce debate over the nation's gun laws following a series of mass shootings, means that the 2013 ordinance passed by the city of Highland Park, Illinois remains in effect. The Highland Park regulation bans various semi-automatic weapons, including well-known guns such as the AR-15 and AK-47, in addition to any magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of bullets. In April, the Chicago-based Seventh US Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the challenge, saying the ordinance does not violate the right to bear arms guaranteed by the US Constitution's Second Amendment. The Supreme Court has not taken up a major gun case since 2010. (Reuters News Agency, 2015)
On the other hand, Korea is under a very different situation from the United States. In South Korea, gun violence rarely take place. Because mass shootings are really rare in South Korea, gun control policies don’t exist in Korea. The reasons Korea was able to implement complete ban on possession of guns include stable security situation, almost non-existent racial and religious conflict due to homogenous population, and strong regulation and control of firearms. But some people who support the right to bear arms claim that it should also be allowed in Korea because of the

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