
Gun Control In Schools

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Crimes on school grounds can be prevented by upgrading security and having stricter rules. However, some would argue that a boost in security can be a bad thing. Schools are generally safe havens from the gun violence that is so prevalent elsewhere (Giffords Law Center). From the years 1992-2006, 50 times as many murders of people from ages 5-18 occur away from school than at school, and 140 times as many suicides happened away from school than at school. School homicide rates have dropped since 1990 because of federal laws saying guns can not be within 1,000 ft of the school.
Proposals offered by the gun lobby to arm teachers and repeal gun-free school zone laws are dangerous and counterproductive (Giffords Law Center). Teachers aren’t trained law officers, so critics don’t support giving them guns Their purpose is to educate children and to set an example for those children. Schools should focus on educating children and parents about the dangers of guns and how to properly store them if owned. Studies show over two-thirds of all school shooters got their guns from home. Some schools have had accidents with guns and even suicides on the grounds. At Lithia Springs High School in Atlanta Georgia, a math teacher named Jonathan Freeman, age 43, attempted suicide in mid-August of 2017. Guns aren’t allowed at Lithia Springs, but the school does not currently have metal detectors, meaning this could happen again. Freeman’s reason for his attempted suicide was for personal

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