
Gun Laws Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

In the US there are an estimated 300 million guns spread among more than a third of the population. But are these guns being put to correct use,along with this the US also has the highest homicide rate as a result of firearms in developed countries, with over %60 of homicides being firearm related. So the question is Should gun laws be tightened in the United states?

Christopher Moran Jr, age 1. Journi Johnson, age 2. RaMaya Reed, age 1. These three children were all killed from accidental shootings, within 2 days. Ida Villegas-Hernandez. Abby Villegas-Hernandez. Cynthia Janet Villegas-Hernandez. These three children were all killed by Their Dad, Juan David Villegas-Hernandez in their own home. This act is only one example where easy access to guns can result in such a …show more content…

To conclude, having guns may be a right in the American constitution but that does not by any means say that it is correct, numerous studies show that gun crime and ownership in the US is higher than any other country in the world and that by having easy access to firearms can result in serious crimes being committed. Personally, I believe that guns should not be completely be banned but should be closely tracked and that numerous thorough background checks should be completed before a person is allowed to purchase a firearm and regular checks should be completed each

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