
Gun Shootings

Decent Essays

Carrying Guns on College Campus: Destruction or Protection? Should colleges allow guns to be on campus? Would allowing guns to be carried on campus at all time be safe, or is it putting to many guns in one place? The students would be more scared of a gun going off rather than learning in their class. How would the police know if they heard gun shots, who is the bad guy or who is just there at the wrong time? Would there be a lot more school shootings if there were more guns on campus? The students should not have to worry about all the guns around them, while they are working on furthering their education. With the presence of guns there would be an increase in gun violates on college campuses. While walking to class, a student walks pass people that are just carrying guns. Should the student think nothing of it? If a student makes another student mad or bullies the other student then with a gun on them that thought of shooting that person will cross their minds. There would be an increase of college shootings because a lot of the students are not mature enough not to think about killing another student after one altercation with them. Eric Stirgus and Kristina Torres shared this report from Johns Hopkins, “National studies, including one released by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health concluded the presence of guns would lead to more shootings, killings and suicides on campus, especially among students.” There would be a lot more room for accidents

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