
Gun Violence In America

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Americans have become victim to a number of mass shootings and random firing accidents in schools, movie theaters, night clubs, concerts, and churches. Walking into crowds of people and shooting at them has become America's favorite pastime. Since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, the U.S. has seen 1,518 acts of gun violence in which at least four people were wounded or killed. The crimes claimed the lives of 1,715 people and wounded more than 6,000 others. While all of this is happening every day in America, congress has done nothing to stop or lessen the frequency of these crimes. The amount of crimes and shootings would be less if congress created more laws and bans, background checks and the process to obtain a firearm was stricter, law enforcement made more of an effort to get illegal guns off the streets and made it impossible for mentally ill people to gain ownership of these firearms.
One way for America to experience fewer incidents of mass shootings is for congress to create more laws and bans. In a news article done by the Charleston Gazette they state, " In the dozen or so states with the most gun control-related laws, far fewer people were shot to death

Murray 2 or killed themselves with guns than in the states with the fewest laws, the study found. Overall, states with the most laws had a 42 percent lower gun death rate than states with the least number of laws." If state governments can put gun laws into action, why can't congress do it

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