
Guy Montag's Transformation In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Throughout Fahrenheit 451 Guy Montag experiences a change in character. In the opening lines of Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag is clearly aligned with the “bad guys.” He is a firefighter who burns books simply because that is what is expected of him, not necessarily because he holds the deep conviction that books are dangerous. Yet Guy undergoes a major transformation as a character, and ultimately attempts to revive lost pieces of civilization. As such, he might be considered a heroic figure. Montag recognizes that burning books is more than destroying pieces of paper. Books are the foundation for the future of the society in Fahrenheit 451. In the beginning of Fahrenheit 451 Guy Montag is a firefighter. A firefighter in the society of Fahrenheit 451 is someone who burns the books. The reasoning behind this is that the government believes books are inaccurate and each books is a lie. He does his job as he is told to do without questioning anything. He continues going through the motions of life in the society Fahrenheit 451, but then something changes his mindset completely. He meets a young lady named Clarisse McClellan. She is a very wise lady in the society of this book. She asks Montag about burning …show more content…

He no longer wants to burn books because he recognizes how important they are to the people who have them. Montag then begins reading the books that the firemen take and burn from other people. He keeps a handful of books which makes him realize that books are a necessity for the future generations. So Montag wants to figure out ways he can help save books or at least remember books. Montag meets a man who used to be an English professor, Faber. Montag asks Faber, “How many books of the Bible are left in this country?” (pg. 34) This shows Montag’s interest in wanting to help save books or remember them. Montag is determined to fight against the laws and standards, set by the government, of burning

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