
Gwendolyn Brooks The Mother, Phenomenal Woman

Decent Essays

Reading Log (100 pts total): Women’s Literature:
Author(s): Gwendolyn Brooks; Rita Dove; Maya Angelou
Birth/death dates of author: June 7, 1917- December 3, 2000; August 28, 1951- Present; April 14, 1928- May 28, 2014
Title of essay/poem/speech/story: “ the mother”, “Daystar”, “Phenomenal Woman
Year Published: 1945; ; 1978 (3 pts)

I. Define four (non-foreign) vocabulary words in CONTEXT that you learned as you read. Include the sentence in which they appear & page # or line # (12 pts).
1.pinched: (adj.) tense and pale from cold, worry or hunger. “the pinched armor of a vanished cricket” (“Daystar” stanza 3, line 2)
2.tumults: (n.) a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people “ Your stilted or lovely loves, your tumults, your marriages, aches, and your deaths” (“the mother” stanza 2, lines 10-11) …show more content…

phenomenal: (adj.) very remarkable; extraordinary “I’m a woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.” (“Phenomenal Woman” final three lines of last stanza) If you know all the words in the work, list four additional figurative language examples, or list the dates of historical significance and what their relevance is exactly to the …show more content…

Though she was able to rid herself of the physical responsibilities motherhood would bring, the speaker struggles to silence her motherly instinct, as she wonders the future her unborn children could have lead. She even wonders about how she would be as a mother when she says, “You will never leave them, controlling your luscious sigh,/ Return for a snack of them, with gobbling mother eye.” When she states, “ Abortions won’t make you forget,” she means that they do not strip your memory of who you could have become or who you could have

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