
Informative Speech : Margaret Sanger

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Informative Speech
Topic: Margaret Sanger
General Purpose: To inform of one of Times 100 people who changed the world
Specific Purpose: To inform of the impact of Margaret Sanger
Thesis: Margaret Sanger changed the world by rallying for the availability and use of contraceptives for all women.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: “No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.” –Margaret Sanger
B. Relevance Statement: According to the CDC, 62% of women of reproductive age are currently using a contraceptive. This number has drastically risen over the years as a result of advanced medicine and availability to all women. This would not have been possible without the work and dedication of Margaret Sanger.
C. Thesis Statement: Margaret Sanger changed the world by rallying for the availability and use of contraceptives for all women.
D. Credibility Statement:
1. I have done research on the topic of Margaret Sanger’s life and work.
2. I am an American woman who has used contraception.
E. Preview of Main Points:
1. Sanger’s background.
2. Sanger’s work.
3. Advances Sanger made in contraceptive rights for women.
II. Body
A. Margaret Sanger was born Margaret Higgins in New York in 1879.
1. She was born to an Irish father, and Irish-American mother.
a. As a free-thinker and iconoclast, Sanger’s father influenced much of her behavior.
b. She grew

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