
HIPPA: Keeping Patient´s Privacy Essay

Decent Essays

HIPPA is a rule that helps protects a patient’s privacy when it comes to their health or medical information. It is also known as a security rule that helps in protecting electronic health information as well. As in the health care patient safety and confidentiality is an important rule to follow at all times. A standard of HIPPA is privacy. When it comes to privacy it is meant by protecting a patient’s medical information in any form needs to be controlled at all times. It is a rule that is balanced and used to protect the disclosure of the patient’s health information that is needed for patient care and treatment. It is important that any person working in the health care setting is aware of this rule as it is important to follow when …show more content…

The office of civil rights investigate a complaint of a HIPPA violation by
Once they receive a complaint the investigation begins by them determining if it has legal authority to review and investigate the complaint they have received. Once clear an investigator will put some information together and begin to interview witnesses and going to certain sites. At the end of the investigation the OCR will issue a closing letter that decides if it’s been a violation of regulation or the federal statue. If a finding is found then it could result in termination of financial assistance to that person. They also have a chance for correction if they chose too; if not then it would result in termination of assistance.

Many agencies are involved such as housing which helps to make sure all people have equal access to housing of their choice. Agriculture this provides the food stamp program. Employment is another agency which helps with the discrimination in employment. Law enforcement provides the civil rights statues for institutional, religious worships, and conduct of law agencies. The penalties consist of civil and criminal for civil violations it can cost up to 100.00 each violation, and 25,000 a year. Criminal penalties range up to 50,000 and one year in prison for some offences. So there are some penalties the Office for Civil Rights can impose. Numbers show that many

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