
Half Of A Yellow Sun Character Analysis

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Half of a Yellow Sun is a based loosely on the political occurrences in Nigeria in the nineteen-sixties, with a keen eye focused on race, ethnicity, and class. It narrates the tale of the Nigerian Civil War when minority tribes repressed the Igbo and then established the Republic of Biafra. In the book, the three aspects, of race-ethnicity and class prove to play the most important role in the relationships that the characters have with each other.
Les Blancs is based on the struggles for independence of the African population that had subsisted long enough under colonialism. The play is set in a fictitious African nation at a time when the native-born were becoming restless. Point one:
In chapter thirty-three of …show more content…

Kainene tells Richard, “It’s possible to love something and still condescend to it.”
Also, Richard is presented as a character who is not prone to categorizing people. He manages to recognize the humanity of each individual regardless of the color of their skin. He does not conform to the racism thrown around by the people of his color and even cringes at the subtle racism showcased by his friend Susan. This, however, does not make him innocent of the subtler forms of racism. During the war, Richard takes time to show some journalists who happen to be foreigners around. He takes notice of their ill-informed notions and ideas about what Africans are like and how Africa is. He pities them for their stubbornness to sticking to these wrong ideologies.
Unlike Richard in Half of a Yellow Sun who identifies with the Biafra, yet he is of the opposite race. In Les Blancs, Tshembe is presented as one who accepts his own race. He was not a supporter of the rebellion but his mind soon changed when he got to know what his father did. He decides to follow in the footsteps of his father and sides with his own race. He does what his ancestors and majority of the Africans would want. However, at first, he was not portrayed as an individual who was against the white people, as he is married to a white woman with whom he has a son with. This changes

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