In an excerpt from the Futurama episode ‘Crimes of the Hot’ (as seen above), we see a crew attempting to mine ice from Halley’s Comet in order to counteract the effects of global warming, whilst maintaining the show’s trademark comical wit (Groening, Cohen, Keeler, Supercinski, & Katz, 2002). Although the plan fails as Halley’s Comet has been depleted of ice in an unfortunate, but humorous turn of events, it evokes the question; can we mine a comet, or something of similar nature (e.g. an asteroid) for resources? It is a known fact that the Earth’s resources aren’t sustainable, and are depleting at a record rate. It is estimated that 50 years from now, valuable metals and fuels will be completely exhausted due to our expanding expenditure (Cohen, 2007). Without these supplies, mankind’s technological …show more content…
Even though shielding could be used in a similar fashion to the Apollo program, materials harvested from the body may also be contaminated. As a result, mining machinery would need to be used remotely in order to avoid dangerous exposure. Near-Earth objects are also subject to events such as meteor showers, outbursts, and storms, in which hundreds of meteors speed along a trajectory from a similar radiant point, often colliding (Reding, 2015). The debris from these occurrences are often seen passing through, and landing in the Earth’s atmosphere, deviating far from their original path. This could serve as a prelude to what might happen if detritus were to fly off the meteorites (Scoles, 2015). The expenses related to mining Near-Earth objects would also be monumental. Calculating the risks and time needed; R&D, scouting, infrastructure and operational mightn’t be financially feasible for event the most wealthy countries (Lee, 2012). R.J. Lee of Carnegie Mellon University believes that the initial cost of launch may outweigh the final
On April 5, 1861, an amateur astronomer A.E. Thatcher was busy scanning the night skies above his home in New York when he stumbled across an unusual object in the dragon constellation, "the Draco."
“One small step for man, one giant step for mankind” - Neil Armstrong. Humans have been fascinated by stars and planets from the beginning of time.The human race has made some amazing discoveries; from drawings on cave walls, to putting somebody in space. Discoveries in space include finding new planets, technology, and theories. In recent years, there have been less discoveries due to a cut in NASA’s budget. This is because instead of the money going to NASA, the money goes to other organizations. The U.S should increase NASA’s budget because it helps find planets that could support life, creates more everyday objects, and gives ideas of how the earth might end.
There are several different theories that scientists have about how comets develop and where they come from. There are thousands of comets that have been recognized and actually registered and made official. Scientists think that most of them, including Halley's Comet, came from the Oort Cloud in space that is on the edge of the solar system and contains millions of comets. Supposedly the comets all go around in a very slow circle in the Oort Cloud unless they pass close enough to a star to be pulled into orbit by the gravitational forces of the star. Scientists think that is what happened when Halley's Comet was pulled in by the gravity of the Sun.
One of the major issues in global affairs today consists of the supply of energy and other minerals and commodities. Michael Klare in “The End of Easy Everything” argues that the transformation from an effortless to a more resilient resource period will be financially, environmentally, socially, and politically costly. Looking at the state of the supply of energy oil and natural gas today, I tend to agree with the findings as presented by Michael Klare.
In February of 1999 NASA launched a robotic probe into space, of 300 kilograms, under the name Stardust. Stardust’s primary mission was to collect dust samples from the coma of comet wild 2 and comet and interstellar dust for analysis in Earth labs and to return as many high-resolution images of the comet coma and nucleus as possible. Comets are small, frozen and icy bodies that when passing by the sun, warm up and begin to release gases. This releasing of gases often form the visible part of the comet, the coma, which is simply the enveloped gases around the nucleus of the comet, which is the central part of a comet composed of rock, dust, and frozen gases in a solid form. Comas, are generally made up of mostly ice and comet dust. It is
Apollo asteroids are small celestial objects in comparison with other planets but are large enough to cause significant damage to earth and organisms living in its environment. Present 30 known asteroids are with diameters ranging from 0.2-8km. Orbital perturbations by the planets might cause asteroids to collide with earth. The probability of an asteroid colliding with the earth is well defined and certainly non-zero. Earth and the asteroid might meet the intersection point where the asteroid would be able to strike our planet. An impact from such asteroid would create an enormous crater being 20 times the size of the celestial body itself. After impacting the earth's lithosphere it would eject the mass from the crater about 100 times the
The U.S obtains more than 84% of its energy from fossil fuels including oil, coal and natural gas. This is because people rely on it to heat their homes, power industries, run vehicles, manufacturing, and provision of electricity. It is apparent that the country’s transportation industry highly depends on conventional petroleum oil, which is responsible for global warming, thus threatening economic opulence and national security. Apart from that, increasing consumption of fossil fuels have elevated health problems in the state, destroyed wild places, and polluted the environment. After conducting Environmental Impact Assessment, projections showed that the world energy consumption would increase by more than 56% between 2010 and 2040. However, fossil fuels will cater for more than 80% of the total energy used in 2040. Sadly, it will be a trajectory to alter the world’s climate, as well as, weaken the global security environment. Importantly, the rate at which the US relies on fossil fuels needs to reduce since it has adverse effects on the planet’s supplies. The society needs to realize that fossil fuels are nonrenewable, thus taking millions of years to form (Huebner, 2003). Notably, the country can reduce dependency on fossil fuels by practicing energy conservation and efficiency,
Articles have surfaced that we can get rich mining underwater. It is true hydrothermal vents is what can make that happen.Hydrothermal vents have many minerals and even a possible cancer cure. So we should mine hydrothermal vents.
The space debris population consists mostly of explosion fragments, but also includes operating and expended satellites; mission-related objects such as shrouds, clamps, and
Since they do fall to earth a lot, “asteroids typically top the list of extraterrestrial objects that could hit Earth” (Hernandez, 2012, p. 1). This is true but an asteroid would have to be pretty big in order for it to cause mass destruction.
In conditions when both technologies and our needs require more and more energy, it is impossible to count only on natural resources and to think that their reserves are unlimited. This is not true. We have learned to receive electricity from irreplaceable resources – oil, gas, also from replenished - water, wind, sun. But the energy of the sun or wind is not enough for today’s rythm of our civilization. And hydroelectric and thermal power plants are not as clean and economical for the modern rhythm
Neil Armstrong 's 1969 lunar landing was one of humanity 's greatest accomplishments. Since then, we have found that an infinite supply of knowledge and resources await us just outside our atmosphere. Today, however, critics are beginning to argue more and more that the cost of space exploration is too high, and therefore new technological developments should be left to the private sector. Whether funded privately or by the government, funding of space exploration is imperative because NASA is essentially the only agency with the technological capabilities to support aircraft manufacturing, air safety and air transportation. Space exploration has also resulted in remarkable innovations that has played a key role in aeronautics research, preventative medicine, and allows scientists to study asteroids, along with other space debris and their impacts on Earth.
The beginning of the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century led to an exponential increase in our demand for energy to satisfy the growing needs of manufacturing, transport, production of raw materials, healthcare, and agriculture. Simple tasks are taken for granted such as “powering-up” the plethora of devices and gadgets that we “cannot live without” – such as our smart phones and computers. Whilst all of these things are central to our very existence on the planet, our increased dependence on energy has essentially been met to date by the burning of non-renewable fossil fuels, such as brown and black coal.
While testing the layer of clay they discovered traces of iridium which is typically found in meteoroids. It could not have been asteroid dust that had just fallen from the sky because of how much iridium that was found there, it must have been a meteorite that struck earth. From different parts around the the world paleontologists had found this similar clay layer between the rocks and was found with traces of iridium. Iridium is rare on earth and since they knew how much iridium is in a meteor, they were able to determine that is was possible a meteorite had struck the earth. In 1980 the asteroid impact theory was put up front to determine and find more evidence if a meteor was the actual cause. There was some evidence that a meteor caused the mass extinction but what they could not find was a meteor crater. Until 1991, more evidence was found that supported the idea that a meteor was the possible cause of the extinction because a meteor impact crater called Chicxulub was found off the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It was similar in size and age as when the meteor hit 65 millions years ago. Iridium was found in the crater site making it possible that it was the crash site. Another thing found in the site was shocked quartz, it is when
On February 15 2013 a meteor streaked across sky and exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia. It set off one of the largest explosion of its kind, according to Western scientists. Flying glass and debris caused most of the injuries from the meteor strike. The shock wave violently jolted the city of Chelyabinsk. Coincidently, it hit on the same day that astronomers were watching another large rock pass Earth by just 17,200 miles. As it turns out, the Earth getting hit by meteorites isn’t so unusual.