
Halloween Persuasive Speech

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There are some annual events that are just too good to confine to a single day of the year. Birthdays, Christmas and Easter are all obvious examples, but what about Halloween? Seriously - is there any other day of the year that brings the world so much fun, transcends pretty much to all boundaries of age and lets us all take on a new persona just for the sheer hell of it? Of course not - that's why it's about time the fun of Halloween was tapped into all throughout the year. A New You, Anytime! It never fails to take folk by surprise just how big of a transformation a new look can make. It's not like we spend our lives dreaming of being some king of hellish imp or vampire, but at the same time we all wonder what it might be like to step into …show more content…

Wondered what it might be like to live as a princess for the day? There's a costume for that! Always fancied yourself as a swashbuckling pirate? Consider it done! You can literally go as far as your imagination will take you, or perhaps see what's on offer and go for something that couldn't be less you - there's no better way of finding out just how much a costume can change you! Everyday Events Made Magical One of the very best things about Halloween is that classic party where every single person in attendance comes in a creative, compelling and often downright hilarious costume. It brings the most amazing dynamic to the party and there's no disputing the fact that when it comes to fun, Halloween parties are on another level. So if it really does all come down to the costumes, why not bring fancy dress to more everyday events throughout the year? From birthdays to anniversaries and right through to a simple celebration of the end of the working work, ask everyone to turn up in fancy dress and it's impossible not to have a truly spectacular time. If you want your parties to be remembered for all the right reasons, don't assume fancy dress is restricted only the

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