
Hamlet And Religion Essay

Decent Essays

The Religion of Shakespeare
When studying the plays of Shakespeare, primarily Hamlet, it is easy to see Shakespeare had a deep respect and understanding of Christianity. During the 1600's, the time in which Hamlet was created, Christianity was split into two main religious groups. One of these groups was Catholicism, which was discriminated against, and the other Protestantism. Protestants were the group of Christians created when the Church of England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. Those individuals “protested” the rule of the Catholic Church, hence being called Protestants. During this time period, in hopes of deterring the return of the Catholic Church and it’s rule of England, Catholicism was, for …show more content…

Hamlet includes thoughts on mortality, the afterlife, suicide, and the consequences of an individual's actions. Hamlet mulls over the idea of suicide in his “To be or not to be” soliloquy. As he cannot be certain what will happen to his spirit after death, he does not follow through with this thought. In the Christian religion it is understood only God can give and take life. “And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord taketh away: blessed be the name of the Lord.” (KJV Job 1:21). Suicide is ungodly to Christian’s because it rejects God’s gift of life. This concern with the destination of one’s spirit shows Hamlet to be aware and concerned for his spirit (soul). Shakespeare adding this inner conflict inside Hamlet’s mind immensely deepens the character. It also shows that, as a writer, Shakespeare understands completely that an internal conflict can add as much satisfying drama to a piece as external conflict between characters. Shakespeare including the very human idea of thinking and worrying about what happens after death makes Hamlet seem as real as any individual you pass by on a daily

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