
Hamlet, By William Shakespeare

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Hamlet William Shakespeare wrote the tragic play Hamlet at the end of the sixteenth century. It is a story of tragedy, love, grievance, revenge and many other things. Hamlet, in this story, explores the explanations of who he is, seeking truth and understanding of the happenings of his father’s death and trying to find his true love but most of all himself. Most of all, his care and love goes out to his father and the suitable reasoning behind his death. Avenging his father’s death he puts himself in a situation that causes an apparent gloomy state of mind but also drives him absolutely mad at the same time. Hamlet believes that his uncle, Claudius, has killed his father for the spot on the throne and with Hamlets mother, Queen Gertrude. It breaks Hamlet’s heart that his mother could be in such isolation to remarry after such a tragic event in both of their lives. Hamlet often finds he is bitter over this situation but in the end, he will prove to be an exceedingly thorough character. Hamlet seeks revenge on Claudius, his uncle, because he believes that he killed Hamlet’s father in order to be with Hamlet’s mother and reign as King of Denmark. Hamlet is a university student whose hobbies are trying to figure out difficult philosophical questions. He never knew that he would be trying to figure out one of his own. Hamlet returns home after the news of his father’s death to find out there is some type of soiled play going on in the situation. Prince Hamlet has

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