
Hamlet Liberation In Death Analysis

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Liberation in Death: Hamlet’s Existential Struggle in Hamlet What is the meaning of life? Who am I? What is my purpose? These are open existential inquiries that both modern and ancient philosophers have yet to answer certainly. Unquestionably, the philosophy of existentialism is an interesting theory and psychological phenomenon. Existentialism is a philosophy promulgated in the 20th century that holds that every person exists first and his nature, or essence, comes about later through the manner by which he chooses to live his life. In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the main protagonist, Hamlet, grapples with many existential questions, seeking truth and understanding as he progresses in his knowledge and ideas of morales and mortality. …show more content…

Although Hamlet feels that it is apropos to take action, he is dispirited by the obligation of his title. It was the prince’s role during the Elizabethan era to abide by the king’s laws, obedient to their will. Despite the fact that Claudius was made king after Hamlet’s father died, Claudius is still the ruler of the land. As a result, it is Hamlet’s duty to comply with the King. Shakespeare reveals to readers that in the introduction of Hamlet as an existential character, he voices existential thoughts, but does not act on them. Progressing through the play, Hamlet continually experiences existential thoughts, as Hamlet’s logic and sanity slowly unravel scene by scene, revealing snippets of Hamlet’s emotion and feeling. As Hamlet’s thoughts actions become increasingly erratic and his inability to cope with his father’s death worsen, Hamlet dives deeper into the realm of existentialism. As he is continually provoked by others telling him to cope with his father’s death, he utters, “Now I am alone. O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I! (2.2. 48).” Hamlet reaches his pinnacle of despondency; he begins to lose hope. As Hamlet delves deeper into the story of his father’s murder and the correlation of Claudius and the murder, his actions become more wild. Contemplating death and the immorality of the world, Hamlet then utters his famous speech “To bee or not to be… To die to sleep… That makes calamity of so

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