
Hamlet: Ophelia's Descent Into Madness

Decent Essays

Madness seem to be a common occurrence among many Shakespeare plays. Ophelia’s descent into madness is fueled by the men in her life. The first man who fuels Ophelia’s descent into madness is Hamlet. Hamlet’s madness does nothing but fuel Ophelia’s descent into madness. The next man who fuels Ophelia’s descent into madness is Claudius. Claudius manipulation fuels Ophelia’s descent into madness. The Last man who fuels Ophelia’s descent into madness is her father Polonius. Polonius’s death takes a large toile on Ophelia.

The first man who fuels Ophelia’s descent into madness is Hamlet. Hamlet fuels Ophelia’s descent into madness when he says “I did love you once.” (3.1.17). This makes Ophelia worried that the man she loves is mad, which makes her stressed which fuels her descent into madness. Also when hamlet going into Ophelia’s room and just stares at her in a crazed way, this frightens Ophelia which puts more stress on her. Therefore, Ophelia’s descent into madness is fueled by the men in her life. …show more content…

Claudius fuels Ophelia’s descent into madness when he uses Ophelia to get to Hamlet in act 3 scene 1, which cause Ophelia to lie to Hamlet and end what ever relationship Hamlet and Ophelia had. Claudius only acknowledges Ophelia when he needs her for something. Therefore, Ophelia’s descent into madness is fueled by the men in her

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