
Hamlet: a Virtuous and Indecisive Character

Decent Essays

In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, the image patterns such as an unweeded garden, rot, and deception conveyed by Hamlet demonstrate how his impelling sense of justice and inability to act on his decisions doom him to his fate. The image pattern of an unweeded garden exemplifies Hamlet’s melancholy view of Denmark's monarchy and his hesitation to uproot the metaphorical weeds. Hamlet’s use of rot imagery manifests his dissatisfaction with life and inability to vie for his throne. The pattern of deception imagery delineates how Hamlet’s impotence to avenge his father’s death furthers the deterioration of his life. Image patterns used by Hamlet demonstrate his nobility and that his desires are incongruous with his reality. As Hamlet depicts …show more content…

Although Hamlet possesses moral traits, his inactivity contributes to his downfall. Through Hamlet’s use of deception imagery, the complexity of his character and his unattainable desire for a world free of lying and deceit are presented. Hamlet’s nobility and hatred for deception is evident when he bitterly expresses to Gertrude that he is legitimately mourning his father’s death: "Seems," madam? Nay, it is; I know not "seems" (I.ii.77). Surrounded by people who have come to terms with his father’s death, Hamlet is unable to complete the proper grieving process. By grieving, Hamlet yearns for a more stable environment. His yearning dooms him as he contradicts his previous notion of inner truth. After the discovery of his father’s “foul and unnatural” murder, Hamlet clarifies that what is on the surface can be drastically different to the dark reality. “That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain. At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark” ( Hamlet realizes the artifice used in Denmark in order to pursue treachery. Hamlet’s overwhelming indecisiveness forces him to endure the opposite of a stable environment. The solution to the imperfection in Hamlet’s world becomes a dream in which he cannot act upon. The image pattern of an unweeded garden presents Hamlet’s hesitation to pull the metaphorical “weeds” in his life. The Rot image pattern shows that Hamlet’s yearning for the revival of natural order dooms him to further hatred

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