
Hammurabi's Code and Laws Essay

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HAMMURABI'S CODE AS AN INNOVATION The Ancient Babylonian's lived under the assumption that the gods could do anything to humans that they wanted. Basically, if they felt like torturing a person for their amusement, they would do it, get bored and then move onto something else. The people also believed that if they were good and did what the gods wanted, they would be rewarded. The Hammurabi Code of Law allowed swift, cut and dry justice. It was created to help keep everyone in line as well as give a quick judgment in cases of dispute or wrongful doing. Hammurabi took every common issue, wrote it down to specific details and listed the consequences for each action. It was a simple system that achieved positive and negative …show more content…

The punishment is different for each class. Although the laws apply to everyone, the divisions in class are very apparent. You can also imagine that if an upper class person was on trial for murder, he/she would probably get off with a fine. Very similar to our modern society for those fortunate enough to afford high priced attorneys. The upper class punishment for crimes against the upper class was usually equal. For crimes against the free citizens it was a monetary fine for a certain amount equal to the value of the loss. Crimes against slaves were either a small monetary fine or nothing at all. The free citizens' punishment for crimes against the upper class was usually death or loss of a part of the body. For crimes against free citizens it could be a monetary fine, loss of a body part or death. For crimes against slaves, a small monetary fine or some other compensation was normal. Slaves had some rights but not many. If a slave did any serious crime, death was the normal and expected punishment. Sometimes the slave would be reassigned to another master. The common theme among the Code of Laws

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