
Harper Lee's Poem 'Into My Own'

Decent Essays

The poem “Into My Own” consists of fourteen lines in iambic pentameter. The sonnet has a consistent rhyme scheme of aabb ccdd eeff gg. The rhyming words are obvious and they are very significant to the poem. Some readers may find this poem unclear because of the metaphors that are used. The speaker in this poem seems to be a young adult who is explaining the transition between being a child and becoming an adult. The poem describes the mental and physical struggles of this transition.
In the first stanza, the speaker refers to the future opportunities as dark trees and hopes that they are stretched away unto the edge of doom. This meaning the possibilities will be endless. The imagery used in the first stanza is very dark, but the meanings are reassuring. In the second stanza, the speaker explains how the possibilities will help them find themselves and who they truly are, while being fearless. In the second stanza, the speaker also expresses that growing up will be a lifelong journey and it does not happen overnight. The speaker also states that they will …show more content…

The images used in this poem make the tone very dark, but by the end of the sonnet the tone changes to a brighter tone. When the speaker uses the words fearless and open land, it shows the positive thinking that the speaker has. The imagery and tone that are set in this poem help deepen the poems meaning and they help the reader understand how the speaker is feeling. There are a few unsaid things in this poem. The speaker does not specify their age, nor do they specify where they are in the transition. The speaker does inform us that their future is full of endless opportunities, but does not share with the reader any specific goals other than becoming an independent

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