
Harriet Tubm Conductor Of The Underground Railroad

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Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad “On my Underground Railroad, I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger” (Petry, 15). The story of Harriet Tubman began when she was born into slavery in 1820 on the plantation of Edward Brodas. Tubman was born on a plantation on the eastern Maryland shore during a time that was being plagued with economic uncertainty. More slaves were living with increased anxiety during this time. Along with the economic hardships, slaves were being sold to traders further south leaving their families behind (Petry, 17). Many of the slaves that lived on Brodas’ plantation lived on the words that they would be freed when he died. Many of the stories written describe Harriet Tubman’s early years as the ones of a typical slave life. Harriet’s mother, who was known as Old Rit, was one on those promised freedom when Brodas died along with her children (Petry, 28). Old Rit had ten children not including Harriet. Like any mother who had children in that time line, Old Rit worried that her children would be sold into slavery before Brodas died still leaving them as slaves once she was freed (Petry, 36). There was talk amongst the slaves that a movement was taking place that would restrict their freedom. Denmark Vesey, who was already a free slave, was planning a rebellion when he was caught and hanged (Petry, 42). When Harriet was a mere six years of age, she was told by the over looker of the children that she would

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