
Harvey Landry: A Short Story

Decent Essays

The year is 2024. A man by the name of Harvey Landry, who is 44 years of age drives through the busy morning streets of Honolulu, Hawaii to work a long day at Tropical Ninja Corp. Harvey is the owner of this company. He’s a tall, classy, gentlemen with sleek black hair and a magnificent body.

After Harvey’s father died, he inherited the family wealth and opened one of the best corporations in the world. Harvey’s mother left him when he was a small boy, only 4 years old. Now Harvey lives a successful life with no family and no lover. Harvey sometimes thinks what it would be like to have a lover or even a family. But he chooses not to think about too much, if he thinks about he just feels different, out of place. He has even thought of taking …show more content…

Either a sniper blows off your head or two guys behind your office doors come running in, guns in hand. If you choose to accept our offer you will raise your arms and kneel down. Our guys will take care of the rest. You have 60 seconds to decide, starting now.” Harvey was frozen like a popsicle, he didn’t have the slightest idea of what to do. The mysterious man said, “40 seconds and counting.” Harvey knew if he accepted the mission, he would have to do something out of his comfort zone. The mysterious man said, “20 seconds and counting.” Harvey started panicking and started thinking about what’s better, living or dying. The mysterious man said, “Time’s up, what’s your final answer.” Harvey finally decided to deny the request. The mysterious man said, “You shouldn’t of done that.” The two henchmen behind his office door kick open the door and throw sleepy gas. Before the blink of an eye, Harvey collapses and he’s taken to the helicopter pad at the top of the building. They transport him to a secret underground facility in Maui, …show more content…

You will have to dive gear to search the dark and mysterious waters and a map to scout the lands. Your approximate arrival time is in ten hours and 45 minutes,” said the pilot. Harvey slept for about nine hours, then woke up. When he woke up, he started looking at the amazing landscape he was about to explore. Harvey got really excited about the mission. “Agent 47, jump out of the vehicle now,” said the pilot loudly. Harvey immediately jumped and landed in the murky waters. Harvey began searching the waters and the land for about 6 hours and found nothing. Harvey started giving up, he had lost all hope in himself. Harvey determined, began searching again. Once again, he found nothing. By the time nightfall hit, the only thing he could see was a blanket of stars covering the whole sky. Then he noticed something, something in the ocean. It was a dim light that had a gold hue to it. Harvey puts on his diving gear and started toward the light. He entered the dark and murky waters. Harvey was as blind as a bat, he couldn’t see a thing except the dim light. As he approached the light, he noticed it wasn’t a light, but a golden locket. The moon shined upon it and reflected the golden hue to Harvey’s eyes. Harvey grabbed the locket and returned to the shore. When Harvey arrived to the shore, he searched for a rock to sit down. Harvey opened the locket and found to what looks to

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