
Has America Changed Over The Years Essay

Decent Essays

America was built off of “We the people” but the question is has that changed over the years? I think that it has definitely changed over the years. “We the people” isn’t talked about much today because when issues come about the government seems to want to please more of the people that have the problem with a so called “Issue”. I feel it has gotten to a point that we have went away from what we have built our country on. The 10 amendments were put into a place for a reason and as years have passed I feel that the government doesn’t go back to those amendments when making any choices. People talk about the United States being a democracy, but what exactly is a democracy? A democracy is basically power that is given to the people and is used …show more content…

His plan to defeat free nations was nearly successful. If the United States had not stepped in Hitler would have been successful. America could not stand by and see other countries freedoms taken from them. The aim of Americas involvement in WWI was to preserve democracy. Why is that freedom not important today? Over the years America’s freedoms have expanded but not for the good. People now think there personal preference comes before the majority of the people. When America established rules they were based on the Ten Commandments. Over the years it has seemed that America as a whole has went away from that. It also seems that if some people aren’t happy about something its automatically in their favor rather than the majority and this leads to more problems and more issues among the American people. These freedoms have expanded to the point that the majority will lose the right to have a choice. One example is that some people had a problem with prayer in schools. So they went through the court system, followed all the rules and because of that one person prayer was taken out of all schools. So now parents are now have to explain to their children why that one person made it to where they could no longer pray in

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