
Hate Speech And Free Speech In The Public

Decent Essays

Universities all over the country have had some similar conflicts. No one really knows what needs to happen to get them to end. These protesters have been violent and nonviolent. Nonviolent protesters could be protected by their freedom of speech, but so could the violent ones. Knowing that violent protesting needs to be put to an end, police officials are not really sure how they should go about it. The protests at Universities have made heads turn, while government officials are contemplating on what they should do to help keep the students and speakers safe. Hate speech and free speech have some differences. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, hate speech is defined as a, “speech that is intended to insult, offend, or intimidate a person because of some trait” (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Freedom of speech is, “the right to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions” (Merriam Webster Dictionary). These terms have parallel but contrasting meanings. Everyone has their freedom of speech. Anyone can speak their opinions without worries. Fighting words or hate speech is protected as long as there is no violence according to Kathleen Ann Ruane, a Legislative Attorney. Different college universities are needing to lay out some regulations to their protests so that they can have a safer environment. The University of California Berkeley had some protests pertaining to Ben Shapiro, a speaker they had early in September. There were no

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