
Have Today's Schools Failed Male Students Essay

Decent Essays

Equality for All Students In the essay “Have Today’s Schools Failed Male Students” by Patricia Dalton it is clearly seen that male students in today’s society have failed to make sure their education needs are met. They are pushed more into sports than into the books. Teachers are tending to overlook that males react differently than females do to stressful situations. Boys are not allowed to let of the energy that they have. The equality for all students is not being met. Sports has become a major activity in schools today. From elementary school to high school being in some sort of extracurricular activity is a big deal and is stressed especially for boys. If a boy is not into some type of sport they are seen as lazy, or nerdy and they …show more content…

Each year we see that school are starting earlier each year, they are keep kids in school longer and cutting back on the amount of recess that children are allowed to get. This is because the school system is focused more on trying to cram in all of the education that they are forgetting that children need to let of the energy they have inside of them. When a child sits for so long especially boys they tend to fidget, drift off into space and try to make others laugh. When the teachers try to discipline them they get upset and sometimes talk back to the teacher. They see the teacher as being men and not letting them have fun and be boys. Boys are not as interested as girls are when it comes to going to school. Boy’s see school as a boring place where there is a lot of rules and people telling you not to do things all day. Girl’s come to school to make friends and socialize. The school system is not realizing that these students need times to release their energy. Teacher would see that more of their male students being interested in class if they were allowed to release their energy and be themselves. If this were to happen teachers would have less problems trying to discipline their male

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