
Head Injury: The Importance Of Concussions In Sports

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In many sports their are often lots of injuries and that goes no different for sports like football, soccer, or baseball. In some of those sports head injuries are often reported, and these injuries usually involve some sort of brain trauma or a concussion. Article 2 says that a concussion is a head trauma induced alteration in mental statues that may or may not result in loss of concussioness. An athlete with a recent concussion injury should be given a few weeks to rest before going back into the game, and if they feel well enough they can go back in. During these weeks they should be resting enough so that their head can heal from whatever injury they got. Most likely after a few weeks they should feel better, and as long as a physician says they're fine to go back they should be able to go back.

A few weeks for a head injury should be good enough for most players shouldn't it? Well article 1 shows that 10 percent of players only wait a week to go back into playing. That could be too risky because most high school athletes are vulnerable to receive a second concussion if they already received one during the season, especially in a sport like football according to article 1. Article 3 states that a second concussion after a …show more content…

With long-term effects you have things like depression levels rise, different types of movements, and an increase in suicidal behavior as article 3 states. With short-term effects you get things like lack of sleep, nausea, mood swings, and lots of headaches. Article 3 says that sometimes these effects can last for as long as 30 years. Now runners don't really need to worry about concussions, but if they were in someone else's shoes like a baseball player they would probably be more worried. If someone got a concussion, and had effects like that they probably would not want to go back onto the field for a little while, or at least a couple of

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