
Health And Illness In Ethan Watters The Mega-Marketing Of Depression

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Conceptions of “health” and “illness” have been shaped by cultural beliefs, which is why the definitions of these two expressions have been so difficult to understand, even today. The meaning of “health” and “illness” is constantly changing due to how each culture defines it, how an individual experiences it, and how it is used in the marketing world. Now, in the 21st century, the meaning of health described by every country is generally an individual’s body in good condition, while illness is a sickness that affects the individual’s body. However, Ethan Watters’ “The Mega-Marketing of Depression in Japan” compares depression and health and illness to show how there is not one specific classification to define what is truly means.
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Watters shows that not only symptoms are different, but also how people search for the source of the differences is important as well. Without the different interpretations of both illness and health, it would lose its complexity, and the social meaning behind it is a risk. So although differences makes it harder to fully understand the terms, at the same time, it may be beneficial and can aid us into finding what it actually means. Obviously, health would mean being fit, and illness would mean being sick, but there are certain countries where they think this comparison does make sense. In this case, it seems as if health may have a negative connotation. It is strange how we use the word “health,” such as looking for mental health professional, or getting “health insurance.” It is as if we use health to describe the illness, even if health generally has words associated with words such as good, fit, etc. It is peculiar how “health insurance” will only benefit you if you are ill, not when you are healthy. Because health and illness have known to be direct opposites for many years, many people do not think as much that health and illness can be similar, rather than being different.The meaning of both health and illness is described in many ways in the marketing world. This shows that marketing uses the meaning of illness or health and shape it in a way they believe is the right definition. Marketers make diseases sound so severe and make customers believe the only way to cure it is by buying their product. This idea however, is obviously not 100% a scientific fact. GlaxoSmithKline tries to put Paxil into the Japanese market, the founder of the Mood Disorders Association of Japan. However, this is an exaggeration, which many marketers tend to do in order to sell their product. This makes it easier to sell what they want to sell, as they have the broad definition of

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