
Health Benefits Of A Free Diet

Decent Essays

Many people say they are “going Gluten- Free”. This means that the person is transitioning to a diet where they do not eat gluten. By doing this, they are excluding wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats from their diet. Gluten is a protein that is not crucial to being an overall healthy person. (4) The Gluten- Free Diet was created for those who have medical reasons to not eat gluten. Medical reasons could be celiac disease, wheat allergies, gluten sensitivity, dermatitis herpetiformis, ataxia and other neurological manifestations, irritable bowel syndrome, and using gluten to treat autism. (4) However, the diet is being used by those who do not have a practical medical reason to be practicing this diet. The Gluten- Free Diet rose in popularity when some research was introduced, that is still being continued, that questioned the health effects of not eating gluten. This argued that humans were never meant to properly digest gluten and naming the health benefits to adopting a Gluten- Free Diet. In the past decade, the fame of the diet has increased significantly. The perception of the diet has shifted from being associated to eating rice cakes that “tasted like Styrofoam” and were very dry to the current Gluten- Free Diet that is alleged to being tasty and healthy. With this perception change, the sales increased and the business boomed into a $1 billion dollar business and continues to grow. (4)
Since gluten is in so many foods, it can be tricky to determine what is

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