
Health Care Policy Summary

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In 2006, Massachusetts discovered a way to make the state required individuals to buy insurance and by providing tax credits to certain individuals to make insurance more affordable. This is how Massachusetts drastically reduces its uninsured rate. The ACA adopted three key reforms that made the system successful. The first one was to guaranteed issue and community rating requirements. The second one requires individuals to maintain health insurance coverage or make a payment to the IRS. The third one make insurance more affordable by giving tax credits to people with a household income.¹ (nedy,ginsburg, breyer,sotomayor,andkagan,jj.,joined., 2014)
There has been two major Supreme Court lawsuits pertaining to the Affordable Care Act that could …show more content…

opted out of expanding Medicaid in 2014 leading to 5.9 million of our nation’s poorest without access to affordable health insurance. This is what the ruling means to Obama Care. During the Obama Care Supreme court ruling some important aspects of the health care bill was lost. One of the biggest losses in the ruling was to Medicaid; it affected America’s poorest by 7%.³ (, 2015) The ruling on Medicaid allows states to reject Medicaid for their poorest. Giving states a choice in how they handle Medicaid may not seem liked a big deal; this was a major victory for those who seek to repeal Obama Care. It is easier to fight laws at a state level. It means that anti-Obama Care states are able to deny health insurance to the people and keeps them from seeing the new laws in a favorable light. The changes will also increase the cost for the rest of America by putting extra pressure on federal taxes to cover those states let it slip between the cracks. This allows tax credits to some of the people, who will use it to get coverage is funded only by federal government. Even though most of the law will be upheld, one major change is that Obama Care will no longer be a mandate (meaning Americans must buy health insurance). Obama Care will be a tax, meaning that those who opt out must pay a tax and those who opt in will receive tax breaks. The ruling can be summed up best by Chief Justice Roberts: “The ACA requirement that certain …show more content…

It was also argued that the law could be considered a tax. When the court accepted the tax argument, that the mandate represented a tax on people who choose not to buy health insurance, makes going without insurance just another thing the government taxes. When the court in not to interpret laws exactly as they are written, but uses a functional approach. The court ruled that the penalty the law imposes on people who don’t buy health insurance. There have been more Americans harmed then helped by Obama Care. Those who have been harmed by Obama Care has increased their health care costs, decreased their options. Starting in 2016, when the shared responsibility payment is in place, the amount you would owe for not having health insurance is the grater of 2.5% of your income or $695.⁵ (the daily beast, 2012) The healthcare law also expanded Medicaid to cover all nonelderly people with an income below 133% of the poverty level. Then on top of that gave the government the authority to penalize states that choose not to participate in this expansion by taking away their existing

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