
Health Information Exchange

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 3 HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE (HIE) 3 WHAT IS HIE? 3 HISTORY OF HIE 4 COMMUNITY HEALTH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 4 COMMUNITY HEALTH INFORMATION NETWORKS 4 IOM REPORTS 5 REGIONAL HEALTH INFORMATION ORGANIZATIONS 5 HIE TODAY 6 BENEFITS OF HIE 7 CURRENT CHALLENGES 7 ESTABLISHING A BASE OF SUPPORT 7 INTERCONNECTING TECHNOLOGY 8 ESTABLISHING FINANCIAL LIABILITY AMID UNCERTAINTY 8 HIM ROLE IN HIE 9 CONCLUSION 9 REFERENCES 10 Introduction Consumers today have the ability to access information related to their daily lives or even information related to events happening on the opposite side of the world. However, if this same consumer needed access to his or her personal …show more content…

In an attempt to overcome some of the pitfalls learned in 1990, CHINs employed decentralized data structures that made it less likely to violate some privacy concerns. (HIT Knowledgebase, 2012) Despite the fact that anywhere from 75 to 500 CHINs existed or were in the planning stages during the 1990s, most failed to survive. There are several reasons that led to this failure. First, there was a lack of focus on community stakeholders. (Vest and Gamm, 2010) In addition, technology vendors, who were building the systems to collect fees associated with electronic transmission, seemed to pit the interests of hospitals against those of community physicians. Finally, there was no clear return on investment. (HIT Knowledgebase, 2012) IOM Reports In 1999, the Institute of Medicine released the first of a series of reports that would ignite a national focus on patient safety and quality of care. This first report, To Err is Human, addressed the fact that healthcare in the United States is not as safe as it should be. “At least 44,000 people, and perhaps as many as 98,000 people, die in hospitals each year as a result of medical errors that could have been prevented, according to estimates from two major studies.” (IOM, 1999) A follow up report in 2001 pointed out how health information technology (HIT) and health information exchange (HIE) can be used to reduce errors and improve efficiency and effectiveness of our healthcare system. This new national focus

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