
Health Promotion Strategies Used By Nurses As Guidance For Assessment And Alleviation Of Risk Factor For Diseases Essay

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Health promotion are strategies used by nurses as guidance for assessment and alleviation of risk factor for diseases (Potter et al.,2009). Maternal health nurses provides specific screening, teaching, counselling and risk preventing tools to achieve optimal health of mother and child during the postpartum period. Postpartum is a period of both physiological and psychological changes. The mothers adaptation such as, changes in parental role ,family ,body image, physiological changes after child birth and the requirements needed for an effective infant care makes the women more vulnerable to depression(Fahey &Shenessa,2013) .The maternal health nurses provides effective strategies to cope with depression with the goal of achieving optimal health . Nurses help women through teaching how to effectively mobilize social support, gaining self-efficacy, positive coping skills and setting realistic goals and expectation to treat depression during post-partum (Kuosemanen & Kumpuniemi,2010). As we know that depression leads to all other complications such as cardiovascular disease, cancer obesity, substance use, alcohol abuse. It also interferes with the child and mother relationship and the overall psychosocial, physical and mental health of a women. It is therefore really important to treat postpartum depression in women for not just reducing their risk of disease but also for a holistic approach to health. “The primary goal of maternal nurses can be stated simply as the promotion

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